ALMaSS Rodenticide Model ODdox  1.0
Saltmarsh Class Reference

#include <elements.h>

Public Member Functions

 Saltmarsh (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Marsh
 Marsh (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GreenElement
virtual void DoDevelopment (void)
 GreenElement (void)
virtual ~GreenElement (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from VegElement
void Add_missed_fi_app ()
void Add_missed_herb_app ()
void Add_no_fi_app ()
void Add_no_herb_app ()
void Clean_CropDataStorage (int index)
virtual void ForceGrowthDevelopment (void)
virtual void ForceGrowthInitialize (void)
virtual void ForceGrowthTest (void)
CropActualValues Get_CropDataStorage (int index)
bool Get_harvested (int index)
bool Get_taken (int index)
virtual double GetDeadBiomass (void)
virtual double GetDigestability (void)
virtual double GetGreenBiomass (void)
virtual double GetInsectPop (void)
virtual double GetLAGreen (void)
virtual double GetLATotal (void)
virtual bool GetSkScrapes (void)
virtual double GetVegBiomass (void)
virtual double GetVegCover (void)
virtual int GetVegDensity (void)
virtual double GetVegHeight (void)
virtual bool GetVegPatchy (void)
virtual int GetVegPhase ()
virtual TTypesOfVegetation GetVegType (void)
virtual double GetWeedBiomass (void)
virtual void GrazeVegetation (double a_grams, bool a_force)
virtual void GrazeVegetationTotal (double a_grams)
virtual void Insecticide (double a_fraction)
virtual void InsectMortality (double a_fraction)
virtual bool IsCereal ()
virtual bool IsGooseGrass ()
virtual bool IsGrass ()
virtual bool IsMaize ()
virtual bool IsMatureCereal ()
virtual void ReduceVeg (double a_reduc)
virtual void ReduceVeg_Extended (double a_reduc)
virtual void ReduceWeedBiomass (double a_fraction)
virtual void ResetDigestability ()
 sets growth record to zero More...
void ResetGeese (void)
 Reset geese numbers to zero in case this was not done by the population manager (the normal situation). More...
void Set_area_in_crop_data (double a_area)
void Set_biomass_at_harvest (double a_biomass, int index)
void Set_CropDataStorage (int index, CropActualValues a_struct)
void Set_harvested ()
void Set_taken (bool a_taken, int index)
void Set_tov_type (TTypesOfVegetation a_tov_type, int index)
virtual void SetCropData (double, double, double, TTypesOfVegetation, double, int)
virtual void SetCropDataAll (double, double, double, double, TTypesOfVegetation, double, double, int, double, bool, double)
virtual void SetGrowthPhase (int a_phase)
virtual void SetInsectPop (double insects)
virtual void SetVegHeight (double a_veg_height)
virtual void SetVegParameters (double a_veg_height, double a_LAtotal, double a_LAgreen, double a_WeedBiomass)
virtual void SetVegPatchy (bool p)
virtual void SetVegType (TTypesOfVegetation a_vege_type, TTypesOfVegetation a_weed_type)
virtual void StoreLAItotal ()
virtual void ToggleCattleGrazing (void)
virtual void TogglePigGrazing (void)
 VegElement (void)
virtual void ZeroVeg (void)
virtual ~VegElement (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from LE
void AddArea (double a_area_diff)
void BumpRunNum (void)
void DoCopy (const LE *a_Le)
 a copy function to be used because a copy constuctor won't work More...
int GetALMaSSEleType (void)
double GetArea (void)
double GetBirdMaize (void)
double GetBirdSeed (void)
LEGetBorder (void)
int GetCattleGrazing (void)
virtual APoint GetCentroid ()
virtual int GetCentroidX ()
virtual int GetCentroidY ()
int GetCountryDesignation (void)
virtual double GetDayDegrees (void)
virtual TTypesOfLandscapeElement GetElementType (void)
double GetGooseGrazingForage (GooseSpecies a_goose)
int GetGooseNos ()
 For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese yesterday. More...
int GetGooseNosToday ()
 For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese today. More...
int GetGooseNosTodayTimed ()
 For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese today at a predefined time. More...
int GetGooseSpNosToday (GooseSpecies a_goose)
 For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese per species yesterday. More...
int GetGooseSpNosTodayTimed (GooseSpecies a_goose)
 For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese per species yesterday at a predefined time. More...
bool GetHigh (void)
TTypesOfVegetation GetLastSownVeg ()
 Returns the last vegetation type to be sown. More...
int GetLastTreatment (int *a_index)
int GetMapIndex (void)
bool GetMapValid (void)
int GetMaxX (void)
int GetMaxY (void)
int GetMConstants (int a)
int GetMDates (int a, int b)
long GetMgtLoopDetectCount (void)
long GetMgtLoopDetectDate (void)
int GetMinX (void)
int GetMinY (void)
long GetOldDays (void)
int GetOpenness (void)
 For goose model functionality, openness score for the polygon. More...
Farm * GetOwner (void)
int GetOwnerFile (void)
int GetOwnerIndex (void)
int GetPesticideCell ()
bool GetPigGrazing (void)
bool GetPoison (void)
int GetPoly (void)
 Returns the polyref number for this polygon. More...
virtual TTypesOfVegetation GetPreviousCrop (int)
int GetRotIndex (void)
long GetRunNum (void)
LE_Signal GetSignal (void)
int GetSoilType ()
int GetSoilTypeR ()
int GetSubType (void)
virtual double GetTrafficLoad (void)
int GetUnsprayedMarginPolyRef (void)
int GetValidX (void)
int GetValidY (void)
int GetVegAge ()
int GetVegStore (void)
virtual void GrazeVeg_Extended (double)
bool HasTramlines (void)
virtual bool IsMaleNewtPresent ()
 Sets a male newt as present/absent in descendent classes - here only to prevent need for dynamic casts. More...
bool IsRecentlyMown (void)
int IsRecentlySprayed (void)
 LE (void)
void ResetTrace (void)
void SetALMaSSEleType (int a_type)
void SetArea (double a_area)
void SetBirdMaize (double a_forage)
void SetBirdSeed (double a_forage)
void SetBorder (LE *a_border)
virtual void SetCentroid (int x, int y)
void SetCopyTreatment (int a_treatment)
void SetCountryDesignation (int a_designation)
void SetElementType (int a_type)
void SetGooseNos (int a_number, int a_day)
void SetGooseNosTimed (int a_number, int a_day)
void SetGooseSpNos (int a_number, int a_day, GooseSpecies a_goose)
void SetGooseSpNosTimed (int a_number, int a_day, GooseSpecies a_goose)
void SetHerbicideDelay (int a_decaytime_days)
void SetHigh (bool a_high)
void SetLastSownVeg (TTypesOfVegetation a_tov)
 Records the last vegetation type to be sown. More...
void SetLastTreatment (int a_treatment)
virtual void SetMaleNewtPresent (bool)
 Sets a male newt as present/absent in descendent classes - here only to prevent need for dynamic casts. More...
void SetMapIndex (int a_map_index)
void SetMapValid (bool a_valid)
void SetMaxX (int x)
void SetMaxY (int y)
void SetMConstants (int a, int c)
void SetMDates (int a, int b, int c)
void SetMgtLoopDetectCount (long a_num)
void SetMgtLoopDetectDate (long a_num)
void SetMinX (int x)
void SetMinY (int y)
void SetMownDecay (int a_decaytime_days)
void SetOldDays (long a_days)
void SetOpenness (int a_openness)
 Records the openness statistic for this polygon. More...
void SetOwner (Farm *a_owner, int a_owner_num, int a_owner_index)
void SetPesticideCell (int a_cell)
void SetPoison (bool a_poison)
void SetPoly (int a_poly)
void SetRotIndex (int a_index)
void SetSignal (LE_Signal a_signal)
void SetSoilType (int a_st)
void SetSubType (int a_subtype)
void SetTramlinesDecay (int a_decaytime_days)
void SetUnsprayedMarginPolyRef (int a_unsprayedmargin)
void SetValidXY (int a_valid_x, int a_valid_y)
virtual void SetVegBiomass (int)
void SetVegStore (int a_veg)
void Tick (void)
void Trace (int a_value)
void ZeroVegAge ()
virtual ~LE (void)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from LE
bool m_repeat_start
bool m_skylarkscrapes
 For management testing of skylark scrapes. More...
int m_squares_in_map
int m_tried_to_do
long m_user [EL_MAX_USERSPACE]
 Variable used to record the current grazing pressure by e.g. voles. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VegElement
void ForceGrowthSpringTest (void)
void RandomVegStartValues (double *a_LAtotal, double *a_LAgreen, double *a_veg_height, double *a_weed_biomass)
void ReadBugPercentageFile (void)
virtual void RecalculateBugsNStuff (void)
- Protected Attributes inherited from VegElement
int m_crop_index
CropActualValues m_CropDataStorage [2]
 Keeps data on pesticide applications, biomass at harvest etc. Data for maximum two crops can be stored (hence size - 2). Used by a farmer to make a yearly accounting (#OptimisingFarm::ActualProfit()). More...
int m_curve_num
double m_dead_biomass
double m_digestability
bool m_force_growth
double m_force_LAgreen
double m_force_LAtotal
double m_force_veg_height
double m_force_Weed
bool m_forced_phase_shift
double m_green_biomass
FILE * m_ifile
double m_insect_pop
double m_LAgreen
double m_LAtotal
double m_newgrowthsum
int m_newoldgrowthindex
int m_nutrient_status
double m_oldLAtotal
double m_oldnewgrowth [32]
double m_total_biomass
double m_total_biomass_old
double m_veg_biomass
double m_veg_cover
int m_veg_density
double m_veg_height
bool m_veg_patchy
int m_veg_phase
TTypesOfVegetation m_vege_type
double m_weed_biomass
int m_weed_curve_num
- Protected Attributes inherited from LE
int m_almass_le_type
 This holds the ALMaSS element type reference number. More...
double m_area
double m_birdmaizeforage
 The maize forage present in KJ/m2. More...
double m_birdseedforage
 The grain forage present in KJ/m2. More...
int m_cattle_grazing
int m_centroidx
int m_centroidy
int m_countrydesignation
int m_days_since_insecticide_spray
double m_ddegs
int m_default_grazing_level
int m_farmfunc_tried_to_do
double m_goosegrazingforage [gs_foobar]
 The grazing forage present in KJ/min. More...
int m_gooseNos [366]
 The number of geese each day. More...
int m_gooseNosTimed [366]
 The number of geese at a predefined time per day. More...
int m_gooseSpNos [366][gs_foobar]
 The number of geese of each species each day. More...
int m_gooseSpNosTimed [366][gs_foobar]
 The number of geese of each species at a predefined time per day. More...
int m_herbicidedelay
bool m_high
bool m_is_in_map
unsigned int m_lastindex
TTypesOfVegetation m_lastsownvegtype
 Records the last vegegetation type that was sown on the element. More...
vector< intm_lasttreat
long m_management_loop_detect_count
long m_management_loop_detect_date
int m_map_index
int m_maxx
int m_maxy
int m_minx
int m_miny
int m_mowndecay
long m_olddays
int m_openness
 The openness metric for a field (if any) More...
Farm * m_owner
int m_owner_file
int m_owner_index
int m_PesticideGridCell
bool m_pig_grazing
bool m_poison
int m_poly
 The polyref number for this polygon. More...
int m_rot_index
long m_running
LE_Signal m_signal_mask
int m_soiltype
int m_subtype
int m_tramlinesdecay
TTypesOfLandscapeElement m_type
int m_unsprayedmarginpolyref
int m_valid_x
int m_valid_y
int m_vegage
int m_vege_danger_store
double m_yddegs
int MConsts [10]
int MDates [2][25]
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from LE
static double m_largeroad_load []
static double m_monthly_traffic []
 Used for birds that feed on grain on cereal fields 3% spill is expected. More...
static double m_smallroad_load []

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Saltmarsh::Saltmarsh ( void  )

References LE_TypeClass::BackTranslateEleTypes(), LE::m_type, and LE::SetALMaSSEleType().

1975  : Marsh() {
1976  m_type = tole_Saltmarsh;
1978 }
int BackTranslateEleTypes(TTypesOfLandscapeElement EleReference)
Definition: elements.cpp:3037
Definition: elements.cpp:1968
class LE_TypeClass * g_letype
Definition: elements.cpp:265
void SetALMaSSEleType(int a_type)
Definition: elements.h:112
TTypesOfLandscapeElement m_type
Definition: elements.h:419

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